Kirby Preserve

The Kirby Preserve was a gift of Meryden Kirby. Located on the north side of Quaker Lane close to the Acushnet line, the parcel is 3.8 acres.

HABITATS: Very diverse, varied terrain: upland to wetland.

  • certified vernal pool
  • well-overgrown gravel borrow pit

VISIT: Parking is limited to both road shoulders at the west edge of the property.  The entrance is located where the shoulder is most level. 

  • Walk the trail a short way to the overgrown bank where gravel was once removed.  The path splits and loops around a small hill. A short plank footbridge crosses an intermittent creek, which drains a wetland on the west side of the property into the vernal pool to the east.  At the footbridge, the trail splits again around another small hill to slope that rises off the property to the west and north. A stonewall parallels the trail along the northern property boundary. Two short trails lead to the northern and western edges of the vernal pool. (Walking time 15-30 minutes.)
  • Watch for a number of plant species as well as signs of several kinds of animals on this property.  We hope you will report your discoveries to us.